Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eating out = Big Fat Liz

So, the last week or so has been crazy for me..I have had LOTS of fun things to do & friends to visit with, BUT....i have been eating out way too much and I'm starting to feel it and SEE it. Dare i get on the scale..NO. thank GOD i have spinning class tonight. I do have to say - im at least not over eating or eating bad EVERY meal... but last weekend alone - i ate so badly..that it's spilling over into this week.

I did have a wonderful time last night with my long lost friend from Jr High & High School, Laura. Small world...and amazing how our lives have been so similar over the years - we even lived one street apart for several years & never knew it?! I'm proud of her for starting her life over & know how hard it is ...which makes me even more proud of her. I really see us staying in touch this time around & rebuilding the great friendship we had when we were teens. It's amazing that I haven't seen her for 10+ years and we still had so much to talk about & share that 3.5 hours had passed like nothing & we were still going" and then this happened..(gasp) then I did this (gasp gasp).... and laughed and laughed.

So..i'm now off to Spinning class. I'm only able to attend twice this week. I'm headed to Van Wert -- a town that's been the butt of many a joke over the years -- to see my good friend Melissa get married. I'm so happy for her & can't wait to see her on her big day. She and I also have one of those wonderful relationships that have no pressure & I don't have to work hard to be her friend. We can go six months without a peep & then talk for hours like we saw each other yesterday.
I appreciate that about us!! vow going forward is to start eating better again & focus on a little more "free time" some more time with Eric! I'm so happy to know that he's not going to Iraq - but haven't seen him for more than a good night kiss all week. Once's nice to have that kind of relationship with him. He's not jealous or mad if I spend time with friends....or if I haven't cooked him a hot meal in over a week. (Since i'm programmed to be a 19050's mom & all).

I'm a pretty lucky girl sometimes....
now if i could just eat better :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Weight loss update

So....when I began this 'journey' over a month ago...i was tipping the scales at 180lbs. I'm ashamed to admit that -- but I'm going to because I'm so proud of my progress. I got on the scale this morning...scared to see...but i have lost another 3 lbs - in two weeks time. And this is WITH Eric back home and me probably not eating the best. I am down to 170.6. i'm SO happy!!!
I still have at least 10 lbs to go for my 'first goal'. I want to reach that by my birthday - May 24th.
I have to say Spinning class is keeping me motivated...and so is Chris Owens! He's my spinning partner and I'm so grateful that he's there for me & vice versa. he's lots a TON of weight -- so i'm really proud of him to.
I also have been tracking my food intake on i really like it because unlike things like weight watchers and other sites - it tracks EVERYTHING. so i can see calorie intake, fat, carbs, sodium....etc. so that helps me point out the bad things I'm eating & remind me that i can still eat foods i love - IN moderation!!

My second goal is to get below 160 lbs...but i'll take a look at what my body looks like when i reach that 160 goal and go from there. I weighed 165 when I met Eric - so I at least want to get back to under that.

YEAH!!!!!!! It's a good day!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Monday

I just survived yet another tough week at work. 400 associates (and friends) were laid off. I managed to find a place for myself once again in this crazy world of retail. Not sure how, but I am very grateful to be sitting here today!

Spinning & my workout/eating better programs are going well. I was just handed the Biggest Loser Cookbook to borrow from a friend. I like it so much - I ordered my own from Amazon! The recipes look amazing....and easy :)

Still no word on Iraq....but i'm planning away for summer already!

That's about all to update today -- I ate really bad all weekend, so i'm trying to make up for it now. SALADS! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Super Spinning Superstar!

So -- i woke up this morning, STILL addicted to spinning class. I decide after last week, seeing some results from my recent "Healthier Living" to add an extra spinning class to my week. Last night Chris Owens and I attended the "normal" spinning class. I have been going to the 101 -spinning for out of shape kids on Wednesday & decided to step it up a little and try a normal class. Yes, it was a little more difficult -- but I was determined to push through. Before I knew was 7:15, time to strech! YES! the only downside to this class was the 'soundtrack'. the instuctor was older...more folksy, so she played alot of 60's & 70's music...and JOURNEY?? Which I'm not real sure will continue to motivate me to SPIN faster. There were some Beatles songs on there-so that was fun, but even to that point..not ones that would motivate me to Spin faster. i'm anxiously looking forward to Wednesday's class - with top 40 or hip hop music for us cool younger out of shape kids :)

And I do have to say, I'm loving this time I'm getting to spend with Chris. I'd missed so much of the one-on-one relationship we used to have - so I'm happy to be re-bonding with him. Now watch, he'll move away soon & leave me to walk & Spin alone at the gym. {Sigh} but will be very happy to know he's 'back home' and can say things like "im having dinner with my sister". :)

Valentine's Day weekend was nice -- minus eric not being here. that was a total bummer. but i kept busy... friday night was awesome with my old classmates. It's amazing that for some of us, 19 years have passed since we have been in the same room...but we just picked up where we left off. I loved hearing all the old stories & walking down memory lane. Everyone seems to transform back into themselves from 19 years ago - didn't even take much beer :) I'm so excited for the 20th to get here & hope more people can make it. Saturday - i got to spend some time with an old friend Sheri. We'd kind of gone out separate ways when I got married (she'd dated him too....and she had to move away to get on with her life) - but again, we just picked up where we left off and continued to be the "fun girls" in the group. It felt so good to laugh like that again!
I sure did get lonely the rest of the weekend, though. At first I thought i was going to be ok this time without Eric here. I always forget what "BLUE" feels like, until it smacks me in the face. I have a hard time getting out of bed - i have no personality - BLAH -- and less than normal motivation. I really need to plan a summer of "busy" while he's gone so I don't find myself stuck in bed or on the couch. I'm so anxious for the weekend to be able to see him!!

I did go see Confessions of a Shopaholic - which was cute. At way too much food that was bad for, skyline chili dogs(3!!) and red cake...but just a slice. But I also went to an Urban Iron class that kicked my ass -- which is good.

well...ttfn....more when i have something eventful to share!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Catching up my typical fashion....I started this Blog and then stopped again! So i'm going to try to be better at's one to catch up...

Life Updates...
The Boyfriend...
Eric has been gone for going on two weeks - with one more week to go, training in PA. AT first I didn't miss him - got worried about it & realized I already know how to keep myself busy. I am already preparing myself for his departure back to Iraq at the end of April/beginning of May. But now that i'm two weeks into him being gone...I miss him. However...having the entire bed to myself is nice :) (Sorry Baby!)

Working Out....
I have done it! I went to my first spinning class two weeks ago and L-O-V-E-D it. My second class was last night & it made me decide to start going twice a week. I also tried Urban Iron, which was really hard - but liked it too & will try it again this week. And Saturday AM Yoga class is amazing...but when i'm done, i go home & fall asleep!! So, i may switch to the Sunday night class.

Diet..... i have limited my bread/carb/fried food & crap/etc intake and am feeling so much better. I am still, however, craving Wings and Pizza and beer..and giant burgers & fries.

I still have a job..... that's all I know as of today.

haven't touched my camera or jewelry in WEEKS. I need to find the motivation to start up my 'inventory' for Summer Makers Market.

Slumdog Millionare -- 5 stars
He's just not that into you - 2 stars
Defiance -- Five stars
Twilight -- 1000000000000 stars ( i have seen it 3x and Edward may be my Valentine)

I'm unfortunatly hooked on Brittney Spears CD....
Twilight soundtrack

Other things...
I'm addicted to Facebook

two of my best friends Chris & Dale called it quits this week ( i think i was the catalyst to "the end" and feel guilty but KNOW it's for the best for both of them) - so now i'm trying to be the best friend I both of them separately.

Tracy sent me the most amazing scrapbook last night that tore my apart, made me bawl and laugh out loud at the same time. Best friends truly ARE the best.

well, that's the quick & dirty of it all..... more later

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 in review

As I sit here reading my friends Blogs with their 2009 resolutions - I think about my own...and the past year. 2008 was very interesting...I traveled all over the country seeing things I'd only dreamed of. I crossed so much off my "things to do before I'm 40 list" that it's looking pretty bare. Time to think about new things! Forty isn't that far off... I made a lot of the same mistakes in 2008 -- blew too much money, ate bad food, wasn't very nice to some people. I tend to be bossy and try to make them who they aren't -- or think they should be able to do things they aren't ready for because I know I could be strong enough to do things - or know how much better life is when you make certain changes... But I do have to say - I always give people a chance. I understand that "time" is special to people and I'm as selfish with my time as the next person. So.... my resolution list is pretty short this year - but my "Bucket List" will continue to grow & grow. I'll post both here to keep me honest about what I want to accomplish.

2009 Resolutions
* be more thoughtful of family & friends
Pick up the phone more & email less
Send letters & cards again
* spend more time with my family, even if it's difficult
* adopt just "being healthy" - workout consistently, eat better
* enjoy the time I have with Eric and do more fun things
* stop procrastinating....everything!

Things to Do Before I'm 40...(this will always be a work in progress...once I turn 40, my list will go to Before I'm 60!)

* Volunteer somewhere (animal shelter, school, library...)
* Take more classes - cooking, jewelry, art, spinning, yoga, reading, history, religion
* continue to have at least 1K in a savings account(accomplished JUST 1k for a year in 2008!!!)
* travel to - New England, Texas, Grand Canyon, Rt 66
* learn about different religions
* Take more pictures! Create better albums & share my work
* Learn different mediums of jewelry arts..polymer clay, beading, metal work